Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chambered Nautilus

The sun is out this morning and it will be a much warmer day than yesterday, Sunday. The first flush of blooms, the jonaquils, hyacinths, plums, and such have faded and have given way to the first leaves. It is getting quite green now, and we have jungle. It's thick woods, viney and thick with mountain laurel. Camp Frank Merrill is just a few miles outside of town where the U.S.Army Rangers are based and train. There's a reason, the terrain can be brutal.

I heard the first whiporwill this morning. We will hear them from now until June. We are starting to hear the turkeys also, gobbling in the mornings. In the spirit of natural things I'm posting shell drawings.

The first is executed with liquid acrylic, Dr. P.H. Martin Spectralite and a croquil pen on Yupo synthetic paper. Yupo is actually polypropylene sheets. I'm not sure what the advantage of Yupo is other than it is very durable. I like the Spectralite because it can be applied with airbrush, brush or pen.

This illustration was created with the same materials. The basic shapes and background were created with airbrush. the details were added with an airbrush and worked with a brush and a pen. The effect around the shells was created with an electric eraser.

Good Monday,


Julita said...

These are both fantastic, though I would almost like to see a third one where both/styles are somehow combined, to possibly create a triptych? Just an idea. . . :o)

marianne said...

I love this one!!!!
You are an artist with many talents Brad, there is such a diversity in your work!

Julie said...

You are very talented with an airbrush! Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm gonna keep looking around here on yours!!
Cheers- Julie